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Reel Impact Film Festival

Join us for an extraordinary night as our community comes together to celebrate social entrepreneurs and impact organizations through filmmaking, storytelling, and networking with like-minded people.

How do social impact organizations (both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations) strategically use short videos and storytelling to share their impact? We’ll explore how film and short videos are used by mission driven organizations to spread positive messages, drive change, and achieve strategic goals.

Need some inspiration in your life? Come out to meet some amazing people and get inspired! These social impact entrepreneurs are taking on some of the world's biggest problems in the most innovative ways.

For more information visit our website: Reel Impact Film Festival.

SPEAKERS / WORKSHOP HOSTS - see our growing list:

Hunter HolcombeAJ+

Katie Carey and Katrina BoratkoMama Hope

Natasha Deganello GiraudieMicro-Documentaries

Benjamin Packard, Retainer Media

Gabriel DiamondSkoll Foundation

Jared Karol, Storytelling for Good

Niema JordanThe Alliance for Media Arts + Culture

Ken Fisher, Truth be Told Creative

****Watch our inspiring RIFF2016 video here, we hope to see you for RIFF2017***

Missed our event? Here is our blog.

November 9

Social Impact Happy Hour

March 15

Innovations in Corporate Social Impact Roundtable